What is Asbestos Testing and Why is it Important

Older homes are great, and many people would rather live in an older home. But one issue that comes with an older home is the possibility that it contains asbestos. Asbestos, which is a natural mineral, was used in numerous building products in the U.S. up until about the 1980s. After that, it was banned because it was found to cause lung problems, including a type of cancer. In its inert state, asbestos is not a health issue. But when it is disturbed, such as through a renovation project, it can disburse fibers through the air than can be harmful if breathed in. For that reason, it’s important to have an asbestos inspection done in your home before embarking on a renovation project. 

The asbestos testing involves checking areas of your home for the presence of asbestos. A licensed contractor will examine the areas of your home where your project is and take samples of things such as ceiling and flooring tiles or insulation to see if asbestos is present. If asbestos is found, then it will need to be removed before renovation can start. 

A licensed contractor needs to do asbestos removal. Such a contractor will done protective gear and remove all products from your home in the area being renovated that contain asbestos. This can add cost to your renovation project, but it is necessary. Not only could not doing it be a health risk, it also could get you and your contractor in trouble with your local health department and lead to both of you getting hit with a large fine.  

What is Asbestos Testing?

If you have a home or building that has any form of asbestos and it is older than fifty years old, you need to have it tested by a professional to determine the extent of exposure that your home or building is currently experiencing. If your home is contaminated with this mineral, then you must have a professional do your asbestos testing so that you can get the compensation that you deserve. 

So, what is asbestos testing? It is when a specialist comes into your home or building and does asbestos testing to determine the amount of asbestos exposure that your home or building is currently experiencing. It can also be used to help determine how much you should pay out in medical bills or other damages that you could have gotten from having asbestos exposure. The main goal of asbestos testing is to determine whether or not there are any other forms of asbestos present in your home or building and if the testing was performed properly and is accurate. 

So if you or someone in your family has been exposed to asbestos in your home or building, contact a professional asbestos testing company today for the correct amount that you should receive. These companies are available around the clock and can help you out in identifying if you have been exposed to asbestos. If you have been exposed to asbestos, make sure that you contact a professional immediately so that they can come and test your home and determine the exact amount of asbestos present.

How To Remove Asbestos?

How To Remove Asbestos?

This substance is hazardous to your health. Even though its use has dropped off significantly, it is still in houses all over the world. With the real threat of it coming from it lying in wait, it could be anywhere and only be a threat if disturbed. This article explains how professionals do it, not a guide to show you how to do it. It heavily suggested that you hire a professional to take care of the substance. They would appreciate it that the ACs and heating systems turned off, to keep the fibers from circulating. The area will be sealed off to keep the asbestos contained. Professionals will use wet cleanup methods and HEPA filter vacuums to clean the area. Asbestos will put in obviously marked, leak-proof containers. When professionals are removing the material, they will have a mask on the covers their entire face. Each day they call it done, or when done with the job, they bag and contain all the used clothes. There will be a clean room for them before they can change into their regular clothes and go home to families.

Asbestos is a very deadly and slow killer. The effects this material has on your lungs are why the right people must remove this material. One of the many reasons they train people to take care of this substance is that it is fine and can get deep into your lungs just by one breath. Your safety is one of the main reasons they take great care when removing it. Read on asbestos testing for more information.

Essentials of Asbestos Training

cAsbestos, if disturbed or crumbling is one of the more dangerous of building materials.

Asbestos was used in building materials such as roofing tiles, ceiling tiles, floor tiles, brake pads, and insulation. It is possible as many as 80 percent of all buildings including hospitals or schools contain asbestos.

 When does asbestos become a problem? 

Asbestos becomes a problem when asbestos is friable, which means that the asbestos is easily crumbled by hand, releasing fibers into the air. Some asbestos products such as floor tiles are not a problem, but asbestos insulation, asbestos roofing, and other products are a huge problem.

The tiny fibers of asbestos get into the lungs and cause cancer. Nearly 107,000 people die per year from asbestos cancers, and over 55 countries have banned the use of asbestos products.

 So how do you test for asbestos? 

Asbestos is not easily recognized due to the small fiber size of the material. In order to test, samples must be taken and then sent to a lab where they will be examined under a microscope. The testing follows EPA 600 guidelines and involves using polarized light.

Samples for asbestos testing should be in an airtight bag such as the use of a larger and a smaller ziplock bag for double protection both from the air and from the samples escaping.

The folks who test the samples will be wearing a respirator.

You need a sufficient size sample as well. In general, a couple of squares, or a couple full of teaspoonfuls is often sufficient.

When collecting samples, a respirator should be worn.

Asbestos Removal and the Respect it Deserves


Asbestos Removal and the Respect it Deserves

Asbestos is a toxin that was widely used in construction materials before 1980. Just saying the word invokes fear in many people for good reason. Only one inhalation of asbestos has the potential to cause lung disease. Removal is not a simple process and must be treated with the respect it deserves. Hiring a professional is often recommended. Below are the steps required to ensure the safe removal of asbestos.

  • Spread plastic sheeting on the floor and walls of the area where the work is
    being done. Seal off this area from other parts of the structure. Wear
    protective suiting, head to toe, and use an N-100 respirator mask. Also use
    gloves, goggles, and shoe covers.
  • Wet the material containing the asbestos with a mixture of liquid soap and
    water. Use a sprayer to ensure all the material is wet.
  • Remove the material from top to bottom. Pry it away in the largest pieces
    possible and prevent them from breaking apart. Continue to keep these pieces
    as wet as possible. Place them in sealable plastic bags and mark as
  • After the asbestos is removed, clean the area thoroughly with wet mops and
    only a HEPA vacuum. Place any protective clothing into sealable plastic bags.
    Dispose of them in the same manner as the asbestos and as required by the
    state where the property is located.

As described above, asbestos removal is a serious undertaking. Correct performance is needed to ensure safety and avoid illness in the future. For more info read on asbestos testing.

Notification Of How To Evacuate Asbestos

Asbestos greatly dangerous and there’s no secure level of presentation to asbestos. Evacuating asbestos from your home or place of business by yourself isn’t suggested for your safety and health. Here is some notification about how asbestos evacuating works.

Important: Before you begin working you need to have the right kind of safety gear and clothing to protect yourself.

One: Respirator – You will need a respirator that has been approved for asbestos evacuating.

Two: Disposable Coverall

Three: Box of Disposable Gloves

Four: Rubber Boots

Five: Eye Goggles – wear at all times

You need to wear these safety clothing and gear at all times. Make sure you remove all safety clothing every time you leave the contained area.

Now Contain Area:

You have to clear the area where the asbestos is. You want to be able to cut down on the risk of spreading it anymore.

Cover anything that cannot be removed from your home or a place of business with thick sheets.

Isolate all areas where work needs to be done from the house or building. Make sure the area contains an air sealed.

Cover areas like walls and floors where asbestos is to be removed. You can use thick sheets to do this.

You need to alert others of the work in process and the risk of exposure.

Clean Up:

Double bags make sure the bags are approved for asbestos and seal all the debris containing any asbestos. Wipe down all walls and surfaces that contain asbestos also.

Disposal Of Asbestos:

Call your state EPA they will handle all of your disposal of asbestos that was contained. To learn more about safe asbestos testing come visit our site.

How Does Asbestos Removal Work?


How does Asbestos Removal work?

If you live in an older home, one that was built before the mid-1980s, then there’s a good chance you may have asbestos in it somewhere. Asbestos is a mineral that is resistant to fire, which made it a coveted ingredient in building supplies such as insulation, flooring and ceiling tiles for decades, until it was discovered that exposure to asbestos fibers can cause lung cancer and other serious lung ailments. It was phased out as a building material in the 1980s, but it likely lingers in millions of homes across the U.S. If you have such a home and want to do an extensive remodel, it’s a good idea to get the asbestos removed.

The asbestos removal process starts with an inspection and testing. A licensed contractor will take samples throughout your home to test for asbestos. If the test results are positive, then you will need to have the asbestos removed.

This is a complicated process that must be done by a contractor that is licensed in asbestos removal. There are many precautions that have to be taken to ensure the process is done right. The contractor will remove all asbestos-containing materials in the areas in which you plan to do remodeling and dispose of them properly.

Once the asbestos has been removed and the site is completely remediated, you can start your renovation process. Removing asbestos will add costs to your remodeling project, but the costs are well worth it to ensure the product is done safely and that your home is not contaminated with dangerous asbestos fibers. For more ideas read on asbestos testing.

How Does Asbestos Work? Let’s Find Out

How Does Asbestos Work? Let’s Find Out



1)Can It Be Removed Completely?

Most asbestos is not harmful unless it is disturbed in some way. That means one or more fibers have to be exposed(in some way) and lifted into the air. In other words, those fibers have to be airborne in some way.

Most of the asbestos will be removed, but some trace amounts could be left. Those trace amounts should be left alone(not even a professional will disturb the trace amounts).

Say, for example, that someone does decide to remove the trace amounts. According to many industry experts, that would probably do more harm than good. No one should attempt it.

2)How Long Does Asbestos Stay In the Air After Removal?

Most experts agree that leftover particles and fibers should settle after 48-72 hours. Some particles might take longer to settle. It depends on how much of the original fiber components had been disturbed and how long it took to remove the original components.

The slightest movement in the air could cause some of the traces amounts to become airborne again. Those trace amounts could live in the air for an extended period. That is why you cannot disturb the remaining trace fibers.

3)Can A One-Time Exposure Be Severe?

There are two instances when it could become severe.


There might be extreme and more serious trace clouds of the asbestos circulating in the air(dust clouds).


You spend months and/or years living in the exposure(without even knowing it). Learn more about asbestos testing.

A Guide To Asbestos Removal: What To Expect

Asbestos removal involves identifying, eliminating, reconditioning, and encapsulating any potentially toxic materials or products to reduce the risk of contamination. As a safety precaution, take care to hire a licensed asbestos abatement specialist or company for this remediation exercise.

These expert teams follow strict remediation guidelines, regulations, and protocols. Also, these professionals have the necessary resources, technology, equipment, expertise, and hands-on experience to handle these situations efficiently.

Removing asbestos safely: The process

Correct handling and disposal of asbestos must always be a priority. Considering that the safety risks are ubiquitous, it is unwise to attempt asbestos abatement removal without professional guidance. The consensus is that there is always a possible safety risk.


The team handling asbestos removal generally takes test samples during the preliminary investigation. It helps them identify the type of toxic element, whether it is asbestos or otherwise. Inspectors usually do a visual survey first and collect samples from respective sites.

Encapsulation or removal?

Depending on the results, an inspector will recommend the best remediation approach. In less extreme circumstances, encapsulation makes sense, but sometimes asbestos abatement is necessary. In some non-threatening situations, asbestos-containing materials are relatively safe once it is in a controlled state.

However, over time the fibers can become airborne, so asbestos abatement experts usually recommend reconditioning to prevent contamination in the future. Encapsulation involves containing and sealing the fibers to prevent airborne exposure. It is not as expensive as asbestos abatement but can be inconvenient to homeowners and business operators. However, some contractors work expeditiously to minimize inconvenience.


Contractors usually turn off all HVAC systems and seal off the affected sites. These professionals will use HEPA-grade filter vacuums and wet cleanup techniques to sanitize the building. They will put all the contaminated materials in labeled leak-tight containers for disposal. If asbestos-containing structures pose an environmental threat, demolition is the likely course for remediation. Get to know more about asbestos testing come visit our site.

What Exactly is Asbestos? And How Can You Test for It?

ab1What is asbestos? We have all heard the word. We all know that it comes from buildings that are old. Some of us have even probably joked about having asbestos in our house because it’s so old. But do you think every person that talks about it truly knows what it is?

To keep it quite simple, asbestos is woven into fire resistant material as well as insulating material, all of which sound like they have specific uses in homes. Well, they certainly used to but they are not allowed to build with asbestos anymore. The reason for this is because asbestos is very dangerous to humans and their pets.

Asbestos is a silicone based metalloid that has very desirable physical traits, however, due to those physical traits it can cause asbestosis and cancer in people. When asbestos gets old, or even when buildings shift and the “dust” of asbestos gets released into air, what is actually being released are the little fibers that it gives off. This is what causes sickness in people.

It is relatively easy to test for asbestos nowadays. If you suspect an area of your home to have asbestos you can buy an asbestos testing kit. This kit will allow you to seal up a piece or scrapping from your home, where you suspect the dangerous material is, package it up and send it to the address in the kit. The lab there will work out if there is any asbestos and send you back the results.